Friday, March 9, 2012

Execute SQL Task - SSIS

A stored function is created in MySQL Server running on Linux with following info:

mysql > delimiter $$

mysql > CREATE FUNCTION GetMaxKeyForSampleTable()



-> RETURN (SELECT MAX(MJD) FROM tblSampleTable);

-> END;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql > delimiter ;

***The above function is successfully stored in the database.

"Execute SQL Task" add-in module has following info:

Name: Execute SQL Task

Description: Execute Task

TimeOut: 0

CodePage: 1252

ResultSet: Single row

Connection Type: ADO.NET

Connection: .MySQLServerLinux

SQLSourceType: Direct Input

SQL Statement: SELECT GetMaxKeyForSampleTable() AS MaxKey

IsQueryStoredProcedure: True

ByPassPrepare: False

Result Set:

Result Name Variable Name

MaxKey User:Stick out tongue_dMaxKey

The following steps are taken:

1. Clicked "Parse Query" push button which results a pop-up dialog box -

"The query parsed correctly".

2. Clicked "OK" button.

3. Right clicked "Execute SQL Task" add-in module.

4. Selected "Execute Task".

"Execute SQL Task" changed its color from white to yellow to red

which means excution failed.

Please help me to figure out what should be done to make the excution successful.

Thank you very much in advance.

Paul Cho

First try the Progress tab, after it fails for some more details on the error|||

Do you mean break points by saying Progress Tab?

I set break points for "Execute SQL Task" add-in module.

However, the excution does not stop at break points.

Would you please help me on this issue?

If you meant something different, please elaborate on Progress Tab please.

Thank you very much in advance.

Paul Cho


You have several tabs across the top of the SSIS designer, labeled Control Flow, Data Flow, etc. Progress is one of those. Error messages are reported on this tab.

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