Friday, March 9, 2012

Execute SQL Task issue

I'm having a very strange issue in SSIS packages. The Execute SQL Task is no longer showing up in the Toolbox where it would normally be under Control Flow Items. After a quick check against another laptop that seems to be the only item missing. I noticed this after uninstalling the Katmai CTP and reinstalling 2005.

Has anyone heard of such an issue?

I'm running SQL 2005 Developer Edition on a 32 bit version of Vista Business.

/resetuserdata Switch fixed the problem. I wouldn't normally go this path but I had already blown away everything SQL anyway...|||

I'm experiencing the same problem. The Execute SQL task is missing from the Control Flow items of the Toolbox. That is the only one missing, all the rest are there.

I've tried to use the "Choose toolbox items..." menu option to add the task back to the toolbox but Execute SQL task is not listed among the available options. This is even though the file Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTask.dll appears in the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Tasks along with all of the other available tasks in the toolbox.

I've also tried the Tools | Import Export Settings... | Reset all Settings menu option in BIDS and Visual Studio with no change.

I'm new to BIDS and Visual Studio so I'm not sure how to use the /resetuserdata switch as you've mentioned. But I'm assuming that it is similar to the reset all settings menu option.

I tried to register the dll Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTask.dll with regsvr32.exe and even a complete reinstall of BIDS. Neither worked.


You can use the resetuserdata switch by running:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /resetuserdata

That has always cleared up these issues when I have encountered them.

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