Friday, March 9, 2012

Execute SQL Task Error


I am getting the following error message while trying to run a Execute SQL task with Variables in BIDS. My connection type is ADO.NET . My Variables defined are

Varout and Varin. Both are String type Variables. @.varout has a value set to "Category" and @.varin has a value set to "Test Category". I am using the expression

" Select * into " + @.[User::VarOut] + " FROM " + @.[User::Varin]

The expression eveluates correctly. The error I get when i run the package is:

Package Validation Error. Failed to lock Variable "Select * into TestCategory from category" for read access with error 0XC0010001. The Variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the variables collection on a container during the execution of package and the variable is not there. The Variable name may have changed or the Variable is not being created.

Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong or where do I need to look at?.

Thank you


Can anyone please please give me a solution. This is really urgent. I found a KB describing a issue related to Script task but not sure if it is applicable to this issue. It involves applying a hot fix. Anyone from MS please comment.|||this link might help:|||

Thanks Duane. That Article helped. I was selecting the SQLSourcetype as Variable and that was throwing errors. I changed it and my package runs like a charm!!!.

Thanks again.

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