Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Execute Scalar ?

I'm trying to do something like the code below, but it's saying "specified cast is not valid"

If i change the value returned to an "int", it works fine. My issue is, i'd like to get the value returned with more accuracy than an int as there will be 2 decimal places.

protectedfloat getProjectHours(string project)


string selectCmd ="SELECT SUM(hours) FROM tasks WHERE project=@.project";

string strConnection =ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TimeAccountingConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

SqlConnection myConnection =newSqlConnection(strConnection);

SqlCommand myCommand =newSqlCommand(selectCmd, myConnection);

myCommand.Parameters.Add(newSqlParameter("@.project",SqlDbType.VarChar));myCommand.Parameters["@.project"].Value = project;


float total = (float)myCommand.ExecuteScalar();


return total;


Could you post the sql function please?


what do mean? it's all up there


If this is the line you are getting an error on, then try this:

double total = Convert.ToDouble(myCommand.ExecuteScalar());


worked perfect! Thanks!


you are welcome...


Oh, sorry. Need more coffee...

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